Vive la Uni
Vive la Uni
The University of Celaya is your platform for inspiration.
and achieve what you set out to do<strong></strong>
Find out what to study
Universidad de Celaya is an institution with more than 35 years of experience, always looking for leadership and innovation with educational programs that inspire you to achieve what you set your mind to.
Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Executive Programs
Virtual University
Continuing Education
Be inspired and achieve your dreams
It has been a dream for me for as long as I can remember
La alumna Daniela Olmos de Arte Culinario obtuvo una beca internacional para estudiar en PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brasil. Cuando entraste a la Uni ¿sabías que había programas internacionales? Sí, conocía que tenían convenios, mas no me informé bien en qué consistían....
We Mean: a space to assertively express the role of women as leaders and agents of social transformation.
La Universidad de Celaya, en el marco de su 35 aniversario, presenta la 1ra. edición de la convocatoria “We Mean: un espacio para lo que quieres expresar” que se suma a las diversas actividades de vida estudiantil promovidas por el programa institucional...
Become a persevering student with initiative and problem solving skills.
Por Jaime Pérez Merino Alumno de la Prepa IB de la Universidad de Celaya 4º semestre | junio 2022 Creatividad, Actividad y Servicio (CAS) es uno de los tres elementos fundamentales que todos los estudiantes IB deben completar como parte del Programa del Diploma (PD)...
Develop the best of you
The University of Celaya wants you to become a professional with integrity, with a vision of leadership, in a healthy, safe environment where you feel free to develop to the fullest.
Integrity ➔
Leadership ➔
Entrepreneurship ➔
Expand your world
Know your campus
¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?
Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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