Estamos en el futuro
Estamos en el futuro
La Universidad de Celaya es una institución siempre a la vanguardia, con más de 35 años de trayectoria que demuestran la calidad y la innovación de sus programas a través del liderazgo y la excelencia de sus alumnos y egresados.
Oferta educativa
Institución con impacto social
Vida Universitaria
Uni Pride. International Entrepreneurship and Innovation Category
The University of Celaya, appreciates, recognizes and is proud to have exceptional students in the category of entrepreneurship and international innovation. They are Orgullo Uni in the category of Entrepreneurship and International Innovation Lisette Dianee MartínezBusiness...
Uni. Pride Category leadership and scientific and technological development
Young university students we are all talking about for having excelled during their professional careers in developing leadership skills and scientific and technological development. They are Pride Uni Category Leadership and Scientific and Technological Development ....
Uni. Pride Sports Leadership Category
We celebrate the sporting achievements of our graduating students who stood out for their sporting leadership during their stay in this school. They are Pride Uni Sports Leadership category. Jazmín Carolina ZúñigaIndustrial Engineering...
Know your campus
¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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