Estamos en el futuro
Estamos en el futuro
La Universidad de Celaya es una institución siempre a la vanguardia, con más de 35 años de trayectoria que demuestran la calidad y la innovación de sus programas a través del liderazgo y la excelencia de sus alumnos y egresados.
Oferta educativa
Institución con impacto social
Vida Universitaria
If it is not safe, it is not a food.
The importance of Food SafetyBy Carla Zuria Jordan Did you know that there are more than 250 different diseases that are transmitted by contaminated food and beverages? How many times a year do you get sick to your stomach? Do you know what was the mistake that made you...
It is a once in a lifetime experience, take advantage of it.
Alejandra Aguilera de Negocios (Global Business) lived and studied in Lleida, Spain. When you entered Uni, did you know there were international programs? Yes At what point and why did you start thinking about applying for a scholarship and studying in another country? I...
Do not be afraid to take an exchange because it changes your life.
Andrés Everardo Ibarra of Global Business at Universidad Mayor de Chile When you entered Uni, did you know that there were international programs? Yes At what point and why did you start thinking about applying for a scholarship and studying in another country? Since...
Know your campus
¿Qué tan buena es la Universidad de Celaya?

Phone number: +52 (461) 613 9099
Location: Carretera Panamericana km. 269 Col. Rancho Pinto, Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico C.P. 38080
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